Promos Musique
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ESP LTD GH-SV Black Gary Holt signature guitare électrique avec étui

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le samedi 20 avril 2024

ESP LTD GH-SV Black Gary Holt signature guitare électrique avec étui

Following up on the insane popularity of his signature single cut, Gary Holt and ESP LTD present the ESP LTD GH-SV complete with a sharp, V-style body that's been directly based on the classic ESP SV. Just like Holt's take on the Eclipse, the Slayer and Exodus guitarist has opted for a flat black paint-job, providing a solid backdrop for the bright red binding and matching pickup covers. Beneath the striking aesthetics, the mahogany body has been topped with a maple cap before being mounted with an exclusive pair of humbuckers. Tote this treat of a six-string in secure style with...

Prix : 2782.00 €

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