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Seymour Duncan SJBJ-1B JB Junior micro noir pour guitare modèle ST, position chevalet

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le mercredi 24 avril 2024

Mise à jour le 24-04-2024 14:13

Seymour Duncan SJBJ-1B JB Junior micro noir pour guitare modèle ST, position chevalet

In the old days, players took hammers and chisels to their axes to replace knackered single-coils with fresh humbuckers. Luckily, levelling up your guitar is a lot easier these days, in part thanks to the pickups made by renowned manufacturer, Seymour Duncan. Here, they serve up the SJBJ-1B : a humbucker in single-coil form and essentially a mash-up of the JB Jr and the popular JB SH4 that's ready to unleash legendary sound.
Perfect for Pinched Harmonics
For over 40 years, the Seymour Duncan JB SH4 has been the poster-child for hot-rodded humbuckers equipped with extra coil windings...

Prix : 131.00 €

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