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ESP LTD SN-1000FR Snow White guitare électrique

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le samedi 4 mai 2024

ESP LTD SN-1000FR Snow White guitare électrique

Graced with a Snow White finish, an HSS-configured set of Fishman Fluence pickups topped with matching white covers, and a black brushed pickguard to set off the looks, the ESP LTD Deluxe SN-1000FR is one of the freshest electric guitars you can get right now. The neck and middle pickups are both Fluence Single Width singlecoils, while the bridge position harbours a Fishman Fluence Classic humbucker to give you a diverse mix of sounds shaped by forward-thinking Fishman Core Technology.
The SN-1000FR : A Fat, Varied Palette of Single-Coil and Humbucker Sounds
The push/pull function of both...

Prix : 1643.00 €

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