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Epiphone Sheraton Figured Iced Tea guitare hollow body avec housse premium

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le mercredi 22 janvier 2025

Mise à jour le 22-01-2025 17:17

Epiphone Sheraton Figured Iced Tea guitare hollow body avec housse premium

Often considered a deluxe version of the Gibson 335, the Sheraton thinline arch-top is one of Epiphone's enduring legends. Among others, this irresistibly handsome semi-acoustic guitar has been played by the blues master himself : Mr. John Lee Hooker and, as well as blues, has voiced an array of genres, all the way from soul to classic rock and indie. Setting this model apart from their more standard semi-acoustics, Epiphone have finished the Sheraton in sumptuous, traditional style - complete with gilded hardware.
The Epiphone Original Collection Sheraton : High-Def Double-Coil Sound

Prix : 965.00 €

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