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Fender 70th Anniversary &apos ;54 Stratocaster Pickup Set

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le mercredi 4 septembre 2024

Fender 70th Anniversary '54 Stratocaster Pickup Set

The Fender 70th Anniversary '54 Stratocaster Pickup Set has been specifically tuned to reawaken the authentic tone of a vintage 1954 Stratocaster. Install this three-pack, and give the sound of a standard Strat the same woody warmth and bell-like, crystalline tone that makes Fender guitars so iconic. Each single-coil features a set of bevelled Alnico 3 magnets, fabric coated wiring and vintage-correct covers with a softer upper-corner radius, all to support some classic and sweet low-output sparkle and growl.
Improved Performance & Playability
The Formvar magnetic coils boost the...

Prix : 219.00 €

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