Promos Musique
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Ibanez AMH90 Artcore Expressionist Ivory guitare hollow body

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le dimanche 28 avril 2024

Mise à jour le 28-04-2024 09:27

Ibanez AMH90 Artcore Expressionist Ivory guitare hollow body

The Ibanez Artcore Expressionist Series AMH90 thinline hollow-body boasts the snug playing comfort of an AM Expressionist neck profile and the free, lightweight feel of an AMH-shaped body. Built from basswood, the foundation sound of this model has a pointed, sparkling edge that's balanced by warmth and presence, even when unplugged. Jack it in, and unleash the sweet vintage-throwback tone of a pair of legendary Super 58 humbuckers. Built to shape the sound demanded by classic jazz, funk, and soul, this configuration comes supported by a traditional set of electronics and a Tri-Sound...

Prix : 640.00 €

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