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Seymour Duncan TB-6 Distortion Trembucker Black micro guitare

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le jeudi 5 septembre 2024

Mise à jour le 05-09-2024 16:14

Seymour Duncan TB-6 Distortion Trembucker Black micro guitare

The Seymour Duncan TB-6 Distortion gives you the scorching sound of an oversized and overwound ceramic magnet. This high-output humbucker has been designed for the bridge position of electric guitars equipped with a tremolo bridge - hence Trembucker - and shapes beautifully balanced tone framed by rich mids, sharp trebles and well-defined basses. Before you mount this pickup, you'll want to make sure that it fits in terms of the string spacing, which differs ever so slightly between fixed bridges and tremolo bridges. For optimum performance, the pole pieces need to sit directly below...

Prix : 133.00 €

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