Promos Musique
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Sire Larry Carlton S7VL Vintage White guitare électrique pour gaucher

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le samedi 31 août 2024

Mise à jour le 31-08-2024 06:24

Sire Larry Carlton S7VL Vintage White guitare électrique pour gaucher

Modern features and playability meet vintage sound and familiar, ST-style looks in the Sire S7VL. This uncompromising left-handed electric guitar has been developed in collaboration with master-guitarist, Larry Carlton, so you get the dependable stability and mature response of a bolt-on roasted maple neck which combines with a rosewood fretboard and an alder body for a classic foundation sound. Authentic amplified tone is set up by three single-coil pickups, a five-way selector switch, a pair of tone pots, and a volume pot, so you can dial in a rich spectrum of sparkling and warm ST-style...

Prix : 749.00 €

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